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Un arbuste ou un petit arbre. Il atteint 4-5 m de haut. L'écorce est grise et squameuse. Les branches pendent. Leurs feuilles sont bleu grisâtre. Ils sont charnus. Les feuilles mesurent 5 cm de long sur 3,5 c... (traduction automatique)

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Vita > Plantae > Magnoliophyta > Magnoliopsida > Rosales > Rosaceae > Santalum

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  • Dénominations



    • Nom botanique :

      Santalum lanceolatum R. Br.

    • Synonymes


      Santalum leptocladium Gand, Santalum megacarpum R. Br, Santalum oblongatum R. Br, et d'autres

    • Noms anglais et locaux


      Sandalwood, Northern sandalwood, Bush plum ;

  • Description et culture



    • dont infos de "FOOD PLANTS INTERNATIONAL" :

      • Description


        Un arbuste ou un petit arbre. Il atteint 4-5 m de haut. L'écorce est grise et squameuse. Les branches pendent. Leurs feuilles sont bleu grisâtre. Ils sont charnus. Les feuilles mesurent 5 cm de long sur 3,5 cm de large. Ils s'effilent aux deux extrémités. Les fleurs sont en grappes aux extrémités des branches. Chaque fleur est composée de 4 pétales fusionnés jaune-vert. Les fruits sont ronds et rouges ou noirs à maturité. Ils ont une cicatrice sur le dessus. Les fruits sont en grappes sur de longues tiges. Le fruit a une petite quantité de chair recouvrant une seule grosse graine. La plante pousse comme un parasite sur les racines d'autres plantes{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

        Original : A shrub or small tree. It grows to 4-5 m high. The bark is grey and flaky. The branches hang down. They leaves are greyish-blue. They are fleshy. The leaves are 5 cm long by 3.5 cm wide. They taper at both ends. The flowers are in clusters at the ends of branches. Each flower is made up of 4 yellow-green fused petals. The fruit are round and red or black when ripe. They have a scar around the top. The fruit are in clusters on long stalks. The fruit have a small amount of flesh covering a single large seed. The plant grows as a parasite on the roots of other plants{{{0(+x).

      • Production


        Les plantes poussent lentement. Les plantes fructifient souvent après des pluies favorables{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

        Original : Plants are slow growing. Plants often fruit after favourable rains{{{0(+x).

  • Miam


    (rapports de comestibilité, parties utilisables et usages alimentaires correspondants) :


    Parties comestibles

    : fruit{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

    Original : Fruit{{{0(+x).


    : Les fruits sont mangés{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

    Original : The fruit are eaten{{{0(+x).

    Partie testée

    : noyau{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

    Original : Kernel{{{0(+x)

    Taux d'humidité Énergie (kj) Énergie (kcal) Protéines (g)
    .3 / / 10.7

    vitamines A (µg)
    Vitamines C (mg) Fer (mg) Zinc (mg)
    / / / /

  • Précautions

    Risques et précautions à prendre



    néant, inconnus ou indéterminés.

  • Autres infos



    dont infos de "FOOD PLANTS INTERNATIONAL" :

    • Distribution


      Une plante tropicale. Il pousse dans l'intérieur de l'Australie. Ils poussent souvent en groupes le long des cours d'eau. Ils peuvent également être à la base d'affleurements rocheux où l'eau s'écoule. Il peut pousser dans des endroits arides. Il convient aux zones de rusticité 10-12{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

      Original : A tropical plant. It grows in inland Australia. They often grow in groups along water courses. They can also be at the base of rocky outcrops where water runs off. It can grow in arid places. It suits hardiness zones 10-12{{{0(+x).

    • Localisation


      Australie*{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

      Original : Australia*{{{0(+x).

  • Liens, sources et/ou références


    • Sources et/ou références :

      5"Plants For A Future" (en anglais) ;

      dont livres et bases de données : 0"Food Plants International" (en anglais) ;

      dont biographie/références de "FOOD PLANTS INTERNATIONAL" :

      Anon., 2003, Native Plants for the Fitzroy basin. Society for Growing Australian Plants Inc. (Rockhampton Branch) p 73 ; Bindon, P., 1996, Useful Bush Plants. Western Australian Museum. p 220 ; Bodkin, F., 1991, Encyclopedia Botanica. Cornstalk publishing, p 908 ; Boomsma, C.D., 1972, Native Tree of South Australia. Woods & Forests Department South Australia, Bulletin No.19. p 214 ; Cherikoff V. & Isaacs, J., The Bush Food Handbook. How to gather, grow, process and cook Australian Wild Foods. Ti Tree Press, Australia p 171, 190 ; Cribb, A.B. & J.W., 1976, Wild Food in Australia, Fontana. p 57 ; Cundall, P., (ed.), 2004, Gardening Australia: flora: the gardener's bible. ABC Books. p 1310 ; Eddie, C., 2007, Field Guide to Trees and Shrubs of Eastern Queensland Oil and Gas Fields. Santos p 210 ; Facciola, S., 1998, Cornucopia 2: a Source Book of Edible Plants. Kampong Publications, p 224 ; Goddard, C. & Kalotas A. (Eds.), Punu, 2002, Yankunytjatjara plant use. Jukurrpa books. p 50 ; Green, J., (Ed.), 2003, Anmatyerr Plant Stories. AID Press. p 2 ; Hall, N. et al, 1972, The Use of Trees and Shrubs in the Dry Country of Australia, AGPS, Canberra. p 389 ; Hedrick, U.P., 1919, (Ed.), Sturtevant's edible plants of the world. p 593 ; Hiddins, L., 1999, Explore Wild Australia with the Bush Tucker Man. Penguin Books/ABC Books. p 159 ; Holliday, I., 1989, A Field Guide to Australian Trees. Hamlyn. p 292 ; Hunter, J., 2015, Vegetation and flora of Naree and Yantabulla. A Draft Report to the Bush Heritage Australia ; INFOODSUpdatedFGU-list.xls ; INFOODS:FAO/INFOODS Databases ; Isaacs, J., 1987, Bush Food, Aboriginal Food and Herbal Medicine. Weldons. p 62 ; Kenneally, K.E., Edinger, D. C., and Willing T., 1996, Broome and Beyond, Plants and People of the Dampier Peninsula, Kimberley, Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management. p 178 ; Lands, M., 1987, Mayi: Some Bush fruits of Dampierland. Magabala Books, Broome West Australia. p 17 ; Lang, P. J., et al, 1986, Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands Biological Survey. p 43 ; Latz, P.K., 1996, Bushfires and Bushtucker: Aboriginal plant use in Central Australia. IAD Press Alice Springs p 261 ; Latz, P & Wightman, G., 1995, Desert Bush Tucker Identikit. Common Native Food Plants of Central Australia. Parks & Wild Commission Northern territory. p 20 ; Lazarides, M. & Hince, B., 1993, Handbook of Economic Plants of Australia, CSIRO. p 211 ; Lord, E.E., & Willis, J.H., 1999, Shrubs and Trees for Australian gardens. Lothian. p 20 ; Low, T., 1991, Wild Food Plants of Australia. Australian Nature FieldGuide, Angus & Robertson. p 176 ; Low, T., 1992, Bush Tucker. Australiaâ's Wild Food Harvest. Angus & Robertson. p 14, 68 ; McKerney, M. & White, H., 2011, Bush Tucker, Boomerangs & Bandages. Border River-Gwyder Catchment Management Authority p 109 ; Miers, G., 2004, Cultivation and sustainable wild harvest of Bushfoods by Aboriginal Communities in Central Australia. RIRDC report W03/124 p 20 ; Milson, J., 2000, Trees and Shrubs of north-west Queensland. DPI p 282 ; Paczkowska, G . & Chapman, A.R., 2000, The Western Australian Flora. A Descriptive Calatogue. Western Australian Herbarium. p 527 ; Plants for a Future database, The Field, Penpol, Lostwithiel, Cornwall, PL22 0NG, UK. ; Queensland Forest Service, 1991, Trees and Shrubs. Department of Primary Industries. p 113 ; Scarth-Johnson, V., 2000, National Treasures. Flowering Plants of Cooktown and Northern Australia. Vera Scarth-Johnson Gallery Association. Cooktown, Australia. p 102 ; Smith, K & I., 1999, Grow your own bushfoods. New Holland. Australia. p 62 ; Smith, M & Kalotas, A. C., 1985, Bardi Plants: An Annotated List of Plants and Their Use by the Bardi Aborigines of Dampierland, in North-western Australia. Rec. West Aust. Mus. 1985, 12(3): 317-359 ; Smith, N. M., 1991, Ethnobotanical Field Notes from the Northern Territory, Australia, J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 14(1): 1-65 ; Smith, Nicholas et al. 1993, Ngarinyman Ethnobotany: Aboriginal Plant Use from the Victoria River Area Northern Australia. Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No 16. Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory. p 41, 40 ; Townsend, K., 1994, Across the Top. Gardening with Australian Plants in the tropics. Society for Growing Australian Plants, Townsville Branch Inc. p 331 ; Townsend, K., 1999, Field Guide to Plants of the Dry Tropics. Society for Growing Australian Plants, Townsville Branch Inc. p 82 ; Urban, A., 1990, Wildflowers of Inland Australia. Portside editions. p 28 ; Vigilante, T., et al, 2013, Island country: Aboriginal connections, values and knowledge of the Western Kimberley islands in the context of an island biological survey. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 81: 145-182 ; Wheeler, J.R.(ed.), 1992, Flora of the Kimberley Region. CALM, Western Australian Herbarium, p 569 ; Wightman, Glenn et al. 1994, Gurindji Ethnobotany: Aboriginal Plant Use from Daguragu Northern Australia. Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No 18. Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory. p 45, 46 ; Wightman, Glenn et al. 1991, Alawa Ethnobotany: Aboriginal Plant Use from Minyerri, Northern Australia. Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No 11. Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory. p 24, 23

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