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  • Dénominations



    • Nom botanique :

      Vigna vexillata (L.) A. Rich. (1845)

    • Synonymes français


      pois zombi

    • Synonymes


      Dolichos cylindricus Desv, Dolichos vexillatus (L.) Kunth, Phaseolus capensis sensu Thunb, Phaseolus glycinaeformis J. A. Weinm, Phaseolus humifusus Savi, Phaseolus pulniensis Wight, Phaseolus quadriflorus A. Rich, Phaseolus sepiarius Dalz, Phaseolus vexillatus L.Plectrotropis angustifolia Schum. & Thonn, Plectrotropis hirsuta Schum. & Thonn, Strophostyles capensis E. Meyer, Vigna angustifolia (Schum. & Thonn.) Hook.f, Vigna capensis (Thunb.) Burtt Davy, Vigna carinalis Benth, Vigna crinita A. Rich, Vigna davyi Bolus, Vigna dinteri Harms, Vigna dolichoneura Harms, Vigna golungensis Baker, Vigna hirta Hook, Vigna lobatifolia Baker, Vigna phaseoloides Baker, Vigna scabra Sonder, Vigna senegalensis A. Chev, Vigna thonningii Hook. f, Vigna tuberosa A. Rich, Vigna vexillata (L.) A. Rich. var. hirta (Hook.) Baker .f, Vigna vexillata (L.) A. Rich. var. thonningii (Hook.) Baker

    • Noms anglais et locaux


      zombi pea (zombi-pea), wild mung, aka sasage, wild cowpea, pencil yam, ye jiang dou (cn transcrit), aka-sasage (jp romaji) ;

  • Description et culture



    • dont infos de "FOOD PLANTS INTERNATIONAL" :

      • Description


        Une herbe grimpante variable. Il continue de croître d'année en année. Il a un porte-greffe ligneux étroit. C'est d'un blanc terne et ridé. Les vignes mesurent entre 30 cm et 3 m de long. Ils sont velus. Les feuilles ont 3 folioles et celles-ci sont ovales ou longues. Ils peuvent mesurer de 3 à 16 cm de long sur 0,4 à 8 cm de large. Ils se rétrécissent vers la pointe et sont arrondis à la base. La tige des feuilles mesure 2 à 11 cm de long. Les tiges fleuries sont à l'aisselle des feuilles et ont 2 à 6 fleurs. La tige fleurie mesure 5 à 36 cm de long. La fleur en forme de pois a un étendard qui mesure 2-3 cm de long et qui n'est pas le même des deux côtés. Les fleurs sont roses ou violettes. La quille est plus pâle avec un bec recourbé à la fin et tordu sur un côté. Les fruits sont des gousses dressées. Ils mesurent 4-14 cm de long sur 3-4 mm de large et sont couverts de poils courts bruns. Il y a 10 à 18 graines. Les graines sont brun clair à noir{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

        Original : A variable climbing herb. It keeps growing from year to year. It has a narrow woody rootstock. This is dull white and wrinkled. The vines are 30 cm to 3 m long. They are hairy. The leaves have 3 leaflets and these are oval or long. They can be 3-16 cm long by 0.4-8 cm wide. They taper towards the tip and are rounded at the base. They leaf stalk is 2-11 cm long. The flowering stalks are in the axils of leaves and have 2-6 flowers. The flowering stalk is 5-36 cm long. The pea like flower has a standard which is 2-3 cm long and not the same on both sides. Flowers are pink or purple. The keel is paler with a beak curved back at the end and twisted to one side. The fruit are pods which are held erect. They are 4-14 cm long by 3-4 mm wide and covered with short brown hairs. There are 10-18 seeds. The seeds are light brown to black. They are kidney shaped and 3-4 mm long by 2 mm wide{{{0(+x).

      • Production


        Les graines sont produites environ 90 jours après la plantation{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

        Original : Seeds are produced about 90 days after planting{{{0(+x).

      • Culture


        Les plantes peuvent être cultivées à partir de graines ou de tubercules{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

        Original : Plants can be grown from seed or tubers{{{0(+x).

  • Miam


    (rapports de comestibilité, parties utilisables et usages alimentaires correspondants) :


    Les racines sont cuites au Soudan et en Éthiopieµ{{{77µ.

    Partie testée

    : racine{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

    Original : Root{{{0(+x)

    Taux d'humidité Énergie (kj) Énergie (kcal) Protéines (g)
    68.9 287 69 2.3

    vitamines A (µg)
    Vitamines C (mg) Fer (mg) Zinc (mg)
    / / 10.0 1.7

  • Précautions

    Risques et précautions à prendre



    néant, inconnus ou indéterminés.

  • Autres infos



    dont infos de "FOOD PLANTS INTERNATIONAL" :

    • Statut


      Les racines sont populaires auprès des tribus montagnardes en Inde{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

      Original : The roots are popular with hill tribes in India{{{0(+x).

    • Distribution


      C'est une plante tropicale. Il pousse principalement naturellement dans les forêts ouvertes sur des sols gréseux. Il poussera dans des sols secs, acides, riches en aluminium et stériles. Il peut pousser dans des endroits arides. Au Sichuan et au Yunnan{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

      Original : It is a tropical plant. It mostly grows naturally in open woodland on sandstone soils. It will grow in dry, acid, high aluminium soils that are infertile. It can grow in arid places. In Sichuan and Yunnan{{{0(+x).

    • Localisation


      Afrique, Angola, Asie, Australie, Belize, Bhoutan, Botswana, Brésil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodge, Cameroun, Caraïbes, Afrique centrale, Amérique centrale, Tchad, Chine, Colombie, RD Congo, Costa Rica, Côte d ' Ivoire, Cuba, République dominicaine, Afrique de l'Est, Équateur, El Salvador, Guinée équatoriale, Eswatini, Éthiopie, Guyane française, Gambie, Ghana, Guatemala, Guyanes, Guinée, Guinée, Guinée-Bissau, Guyane, Haïti, Himalaya, Honduras , Inde, Indochine, Indonésie, Côte d'Ivoire, Jamaïque, Japon, Kenya, Corée, Laos, Libéria, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaisie, Mali, Mexique, Mozambique, Myanmar, Niger, Nigéria, Amérique du Nord, Inde du nord-est, Pacifique, Pakistan, Panama, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, PNG, Pérou, Porto Rico, Rwanda, Asie du Sud-Est, Sénégal, Sierra Leone, Somalie, Afrique du Sud, Afrique australe, Amérique du Sud, Sri Lanka, Soudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Taiwan, Tanzanie,Togo, Ouganda, Venezuela, Vietnam, Afrique de l'Ouest, Antilles, Yémen, Zambie, Zimbabwe{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

      Original : Africa, Angola, Asia, Australia, Belize, Bhutan, Botswana, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Caribbean, Central Africa, Central America, Chad, China, Colombia, Congo DR, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Cuba, Dominican Republic, East Africa, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eswatini, Ethiopia, French Guiana, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guianas, Guinea, Guinée, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Himalayas, Honduras, India, Indochina, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Japan, Kenya, Korea, Laos, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, Mozambique, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, North America, Northeastern India, Pacific, Pakistan, Panama, Papua New Guinea, PNG, Peru, Puerto Rico, Rwanda, SE Asia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Southern Africa, South America, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Taiwan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Venezuela, Vietnam, West Africa, West Indies, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe{{{0(+x).

    • Notes


      Il existe environ 150 espèces de Vigna. Ils sont principalement sous les tropiques. Il a été démontré que les tubercules contiennent 15% de protéines{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

      Original : There are about 150 Vigna species. They are mostly in the tropics. The tubers have been shown to be 15% protein{{{0(+x).

  • Liens, sources et/ou références


    • Sources et/ou références :

      FAO (en anglais) ;

      dont classification :
      "The Plant List" (en anglais) ; "GRIN" (en anglais) ;

      dont livres et bases de données : 77Semences de Kokopelli (livre de 2007, page 403, par Dominique Guillet) ;

      Semences de Kokopelli (de Dominique Guillet, 6ème édition, 2007) / détails du livre

      dont biographie/références de "FOOD PLANTS INTERNATIONAL" :

      Ambasta, S.P. (Ed.), 2000, The Useful Plants of India. CSIR India. p 678 ; Bodkin, F., 1991, Encyclopedia Botanica. Cornstalk publishing, p 1017 ; Brock, J., 1993, Native Plants of Northern Australia, Reed. p 327 ; Burkill, H. M., 1985, The useful plants of west tropical Africa, Vol. 3. Kew. ; Cherikoff V. & Isaacs, J., The Bush Food Handbook. How to gather, grow, process and cook Australian Wild Foods. Ti Tree Press, Australia p 201 ; Cribb, A.B. & J.W., 1976, Wild Food in Australia, Fontana. p 144 ; Dakora, F. D., 2013, Biogeographic Distribution, Nodulation and Nutritional Attributes of Underutilized Indigenous Agrican Legumes. Acta Horticulturae Number 979 Vol. 1. p 53 ; Dunlop, C.R., Leach, G.J. & Cowie, I.D., 1995, Flora oforld ; Dutta, U., 2012, Wild Vegetables collected by the local communities from the Churang reserve of BTD, Assam. International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology. Vol. 2(4) p 124 ; Fox, F. W. & Young, M. E. N., 1982, Food from the Veld. Delta Books. p 223 (As Vigna phaseoloides) ; IRVINE 1952, 1957, ; Jackes, B.R., 2001, Plants of the Tropics. Rainforest to Heath. An Identification Guide. James Cook University. p 55 ; Jardin, C., 1970, List of Foods Used In Africa, FAO Nutrition Information Document Series No 2.p 109 (As Vigna phaseoloides) ; Kenneally, K.E., Edinger, D. C., and Willing T., 1996, Broome and Beyond, Plants and People of the Dampier Peninsula, Kimberley, Western Australia. Department of Conservation and Land Management. p 163 ; Kumar, G.M., & Shiddamallayya, N., 2014, Documentation of Wild Plant Tubers as Food Resources in Hassan District, Karnataka, International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technoogy. 5(2) p 92 ; Latham, P & Mbuta, A., 2017, Useful Plants of Central Province, Democratic Republic of Congo. Volume 2. Salvation Army p 241 ; Levitt, D., 1981, Plants and people. Aboriginal uses of plants on Groote Eylandt. Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, Canberra. p 116 ; Lim, T. K., 2015, Edible Medicinal and Non Medicinal Plants. Volume 9, Modified Stems, Roots, Bulbs. Springer p 85 ; Long, C., 2005, Swaziland's Flora - siSwati names and Uses ; Low, T., 1991, Wild Food Plants of Australia. Australian Nature FieldGuide, Angus & Robertson. p 162 ; Low, T., 1992, Bush Tucker. Australiaâ's Wild Food Harvest. Angus & Robertson. p 99 ; Lulekal, E., et al, 2011, Wild edible plants in Ethiopia: a review on their potential to combat food insecurity. Afrika Focus - Vol. 24, No 2. pp 71-121 ; Martin, F.W. & Ruberte, R.M., 1979, Edible Leaves of the Tropics. Antillian College Press, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. p 201 (As Vigna phaseoloides) ; Nilegaonkar, S., et al, 1985, Nutritional Evaluation of some wild food plants from the Pune and Nieghbouring districts, Maharashtra state: Part 1. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. Vol. 6 No. 3 pp 629-635 ; Paczkowska, G . & Chapman, A.R., 2000, The Western Australian Flora. A Descriptive Calatogue. Western Australian Herbarium. p 453 ; Patiri, B. & Borah, A., 2007, Wild Edible Plants of Assam. Geethaki Publishers. p 41 (As Vigna vaxillata Benth.) ; Pearson, S. & A., 1992, Rainforest Plants of Eastern Australia. Kangaroo Press p 209 ; Peekel, P.G., 1984, (Translation E.E.Henty), Flora of the Bismarck Archipelago for Naturalists, Division of Botany, Lae, PNG. p 261, 262 ; Pegu, R., et al, 2013, Ethnobotanical study of Wild Edible Plants in Poba Reserved Forest, Assam, India. Research Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences 1(3):1-10 ; Peters, C. R., O'Brien, E. M., and Drummond, R.B., 1992, Edible Wild plants of Sub-saharan Africa. Kew. p 140 ; Pham-Hoang Ho, 1999, An Illustrated Flora of Vietnam. Nha Xuat Ban Tre. p 962 ; Plants of Haiti Smithsonian Institute Indies ; Prakash, V., & Megrotra B.N., 1987, Ethnobotanical Studies on the Flora of Khandala, Maharashtra State. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. Vol. 9 No. 1 pp 205-208 (As Vigna capensis) ; PROSEA handbook Volume 9 Plants yielding non-seed carbohydrates. p 190 ; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (1999). Survey of Economic Plants for Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (SEPASAL) database. Published on the Internet; [Accessed 1st May 2011] ; Sadhale, A., et al, 1991, Ethnobotanical studies of sacred grove at Ajiwali, Pune district. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. Vol. 15 No. 1 pp 167-172 ; Sarma, H., et al, 2010, Updated Estimates of Wild Edible and Threatened Plants of Assam: A Meta-analysis. International Journal of Botany 6(4): 414-423 ; Sawian, J. T., et al, 2007, Wild edible plants of Meghalaya, North-east India. Natural Product Radiance Vol. 6(5): p 423 ; Singh, H.B., Arora R.K.,1978, Wild edible Plants of India. Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. p 83 (As Vigna capensis) ; Smith, N and Wightman, G.M., 1990, Ethnobotanical Notes from Belyuen Northern Territory Australia. Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No 10. Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory. p 25 ; Sprent, J. I., et al, 2009, African legumes: a vital but under-utilized resource. Journal of Experimental Botany. ; Swaziland's Flora Database ; Teklehaymanot, T., and Mirutse Giday, M., 2010, Ethnobotanical study of wild edible plants of Kara and Kwego semi-pastoralist people in Lower Omo River Valley, Debub Omo Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:23 ; Terra, G.J.A., 1973, Tropical Vegetables. Communication 54e Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, p 80 (As Vigna phaseoloides) ; Townsend, K., 1994, Across the Top. Gardening with Australian Plants in the tropics. Society for Growing Australian Plants, Townsville Branch Inc. p 361 ; Uprety, Y., et al, 2016, Traditional use and management of NTFPs in Kangchenjunga Landscape: implications for conservation and livelihoods. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2016) 12:19 ; USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: (10 April 2000) ; van Wyk, B., 2005, Food Plants of the World. An illustrated guide. Timber press. p 383 ; van Wyk, Be, & Gericke, N., 2007, People's plants. A Guide to Useful Plants of Southern Africa. Briza. p 30 ; van Wyk, B-E., 2011, The potential of South African plants in the development of new food and beverage products. South African Journal of Botany 77 (2011) 857–868 ; Verdcourt, B., 1979, Manual of New Guinea Legumes. Botany Bulletin No 11, Division of Botany, Lae, Papua New Guinea. p 527 ; Vigilante, T., et al, 2013, Island country: Aboriginal connections, values and knowledge of the Western Kimberley islands in the context of an island biological survey. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 81: 145-182 ; Wehmeyer, A. S, 1986, Edible Wild Plants of Southern Africa. Data on the Nutrient Contents of over 300 species (As Vigna lobatifolia) ; Wheeler, J.R.(ed.), 1992, Flora of the Kimberley Region. CALM, Western Australian Herbarium, p 457 ; Yunupinu Banjgul, Laklak Yunupinu-Marika, et al. 1995, Rirratjinu Ethnobotany: Aboriginal Plant Use from Yirrkala, Arnhem Land, Australia. Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No 21. Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory. p 76, N., 2007, People's plants. A Guide to Useful Plants of Southern Africa. Briza. p 30 ; Verdcourt, B., 1979, Manual of New Guinea Legumes. Botany Bulletin No 11, Division of Botany, Lae, Papua New Guinea. p 527 ; Wheeler, J.R.(ed.), 1992, Flora of the Kimberley Region. CALM, Western Australian Herbarium, p 457 ; Yunupinu Banjgul, Laklak Yunupinu-Marika, et al. 1995, Rirratjinu Ethnobotany: Aboriginal Plant Use from Yirrkala, Arnhem Land, Australia. Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No 21. Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory. p 76

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