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  • Dénominations



    • Nom botanique :

      Saba comorensis (Bojer ex DC.) Pichon

    • Synonymes


      Landolphia comorensis (Bojer ex A.DC.) K.Schum, Landolphia comorensis var. florida (Benth.) K.Schum, Landolphia cordata (Klotzsch) K.Schum, Landolphia dubia Lassia, Landolphia florida Benth, Landolphia florida var. comorensis (Bojer ex A.DC.) A.Chev, Landolphia florida var. leiantha Oliv, Landolphia mayottensis Pierre ex Poiss, Pacouria comorensis (Bojer ex A.DC.) Roberty, Pacouria dubia (Lassia) Pichon, Pacouria florida (Benth.) Hiern, Saba comorensis var. comorensis, Saba comorensis var. florida (Benth.) Pichon, Saba florida (Benth.) Bullock, Vahea comorensis Bojer ex A.DC, Vahea florida (Benth.) F.Muell, Willughbeia cordata Klotzsch

    • Noms anglais et locaux


      Saba ;

  • Description et culture



    • dont infos de "FOOD PLANTS INTERNATIONAL" :

      • Description


        Une plante grimpante ou une vigne. Il mesure 30 à 40 m de long. Il peut faire 1,9 m environ. Les tiges sont rouge violacé. Il a une sève laiteuse blanche. Le limbe mesure 7 à 20 cm de long sur 4 à 10 cm de large. Ils sont ovales. Il a souvent des vrilles. Les fleurs sont grandes et blanches. Ils ont un doux parfum. Ils sont en grands groupes aux extrémités des branches. Les fruits sont ronds et mesurent 6 cm de diamètre. Ils sont jaunes ou oranges. Les fruits sont comestibles. La coquille est dure et amère. La pulpe est douce et rougeâtre. Il contient des graines{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

        Original : A creeper or vine. It grows 30-40 m long. It can be 1.9 m around. The stems are purplish-red. It has white milky sap. The leaf blade is 7-20 cm long by 4-10 cm wide. They are oval. It often has tendrils. The flowers are large and white. They have a sweet scent. They are in large groups at the ends of branches. The fruit are round and 6 cm across. They are yellow or orange. The fruit are edible. The shell is hard and bitter. The pulp is soft and reddish. It contains seeds{{{0(+x).

      • Production


        La fructification est saisonnière. Les fruits sont récoltés à la fin de la saison des pluies et au début de la saison sèche. Au Congo, les fruits sont disponibles de juillet à octobre{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

        Original : Fruiting is seasonal. Fruit are collected at the end of the rainy season and beginning of the dry season. In Congo fruit are available July to October{{{0(+x).

      • Culture


        Les plantes sont cultivées à partir de graines. Les graines germent plus facilement après avoir traversé l'intestin d'un animal. Il peut également être cultivé à partir de boutures{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

        Original : Plants are grown from seeds. The seeds germinate more easily after passing through the gut of an animal. It can also be grown from cuttings{{{0(+x).

  • Miam


    (rapports de comestibilité, parties utilisables et usages alimentaires correspondants) :


    Parties comestibles

    : fruits, graines{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

    Original : Fruit, Seeds{{{0(+x).


    : Le fruit mûr se mange cru. Les graines sont jetées. Les graines sont également consommées. La pulpe est trempée dans de l'eau, du sucre ajouté et le jus est bu{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

    Original : The ripe fruit is eaten raw. The seeds are discarded. The seeds are also eaten. The pulp is soaked in water, sugar added and the the juice drunk{{{0(+x).

    Partie testée

    : /

    Taux d'humidité Énergie (kj) Énergie (kcal) Protéines (g)
    / / / /

    vitamines A (µg)
    Vitamines C (mg) Fer (mg) Zinc (mg)
    / / / /

  • Précautions

    Risques et précautions à prendre



    néant, inconnus ou indéterminés.

  • Autres infos



    dont infos de "FOOD PLANTS INTERNATIONAL" :

    • Statut


      Les fruits sont particulièrement appréciés par les enfants. Les fruits sont généralement disponibles pendant la saison la plus sèche et la plus affamée{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

      Original : The fruit are enjoyed especially by children. Fruit tend to be available in the drier more hungry season{{{0(+x).

    • Distribution


      Une plante tropicale. Il pousse en forêt fermée en Afrique de l'Ouest et aussi dans les savanes boisées. Il est souvent près des berges des ruisseaux. Au Malawi, il pousse de 500 à 1 300 m d'altitude. En Tanzanie, il pousse jusqu'à 1 800 m au-dessus du niveau de la mer et dans les zones avec une pluviométrie comprise entre 1 200 et 2 400 mm. Il peut pousser dans des endroits arides{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

      Original : A tropical plant. It grows in closed forest in West Africa and also in savannah woodland. It is often near the banks of streams. In Malawi it grows from 500-1,300 m altitude. In Tanzania it grows between up to 1,800 m above sea level and in areas with a rainfall between 1,200-2,400 mm. It can grow in arid places{{{0(+x).

    • Localisation


      Afrique, Angola, Bénin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Afrique centrale, République centrafricaine, RCA, Comores, RD Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Afrique de l'Est, Éthiopie, Gabon, Gambie, Ghana, Guinée, Guinée, Guinée -Bissau, Himalaya, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Népal, Niger, Nigéria, Sénégal, Sierra Leone, Somalie, Afrique australe, Soudan du Sud, Soudan, Tanzanie, Togo, Ouganda, Afrique de l'Ouest, Zambie, Zimbabwe{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

      Original : Africa, Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central Africa, Central African Republic, CAR, Comoros, Congo DR, Côte d'Ivoire, East Africa, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinée, Guinea-Bissau, Himalayas, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Southern Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, West Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe{{{0(+x).

    • Notes


      Il existe 3 espèces de Saba. Ils se produisent en Afrique{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

      Original : There are 3 Saba species. They occur in Africa{{{0(+x).

  • Liens, sources et/ou références


    • Sources et/ou références :

      dont livres et bases de données : 0"Food Plants International" (en anglais) ;

      dont biographie/références de "FOOD PLANTS INTERNATIONAL" :

      Alyegba, S. S. et al, 2013, Ethnobotanical Survey of Edible Wild Plants in Tiv Communities of Benue State, Nigeria. Journal of Natural Sciences Research. Vol.3, No.7 ; Asfaw, Z. and Tadesse, M., 2001, Prospects for Sustainable Use and Development of Wild Food Plants in Ethiopia. Economic Botany, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 47-62 ; Atato, A., et al, 2010, Diversity of Edible Wild Fruit Tree Species of Togo. Global Science Books. ; Atato, A.,et al, 2011, Edible Wild Fruit Highly Consumed during Food Shortage Period in Togo: State of Knowledge and Conservation Status. Journal of Life Sciences 5 (2011) 1046-1057 ; Atato, A., et al, 2012 Especes lianescentes a fruits comestibles du Togo. Fruits. 67(5): 353-368 ; Berihun, T., & Molla, E., 2017, Study on the Diversity and Use of Wild Edible Plants in Bullen District Northwest Ethiopia. Hindawi Journal of Botany.Article ID 8383468 ; Bongers, F. et al (Eds), Forest Climbing Plants of West Africa: Diversity, Ecology and Management. CABI ; Bruschi, P., et al, 2014, Traditional use of plants in a rural community of Mozambique and possible links with Miombo degradation and harvesting sustainability. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. 2014, 10:59 (As var. florida) ; Burkill, H. M., 1985, The useful plants of west tropical Africa, Vol. 1. Kew. (As Saba florida) ; Chapman, J. D. & Chapman, H. M., 2001, The Forest Flora of taraba and Andamawa States, Nigeria. WWF & University of Canterbury. p 166 ; Dalziel, J. M., 1937, The Useful plants of west tropical Africa. Crown Agents for the Colonies London. (As Saba florida) ; Davis, S.D., Heywood, V.H., & Hamilton, A.C. (eds), 1994, Centres of plant Diversity. WWF. Vol 1. p 191 (As Saba florida) ; Eilu, G. & Bukenya-Ziraba, R., 2004, Local Use of Climbing Plants of Budongo Forest Reserve, Western Uganda. Journal of Ethnobiology 24(2): 307-327 ; FAO. 1983, Food and fruit-bearing forest species 1: Examples from Eastern Africa. FAO Food and Forestry Paper 44/1 p 91 (As Saba florida) ; Flora Somalia Vol. 1, 1993, ; Flora Zambesiaca. ; Fowler, D. G., 2007, Zambian Plants: Their Vernacular Names and Uses. Kew. p 11 ; Goode, P., 1989, Edible Plants of Uganda. FAO p 30 (As Saba florida) ; Hedrick, U.P., 1919, (Ed.), Sturtevant's edible plants of the world. p 370 (As Landolphia florida) ; (As Saba florida) ; INFOODSUpdatedFGU-list.xls (As Saba florida) ; Janick, J. & Paul, R. E. (Eds.), 2008, The Encyclopedia of Fruit & Nuts. CABI p 74 ; Jardin, C., 1970, List of Foods Used In Africa, FAO Nutrition Information Document Series No 2.p 159 (As Saba florida) ; Johns, T., and Kokwaro, J.O., 1991, Food Plants of the Luo of Siayo District, Kenya. Economic Botany 45(1), pp 103-113 (As Saba florida) ; JSTOR Global Plants edible (Also as Saba florida) ; Kakeya, 1976, (As Saba florida) ; Kano, 1972, (As Saba florida) ; Kidane, B., et al, 2014, Ethnobotany of Wild and Semi-wild Edible Fruit Species used by Maale and Ari Ethnic Communities in South Ethiopia. Ethnobotany Research and Applications. Vol. 12, 1546-3465-12-455 ; Latham, P & Mbuta, A., 2017, Useful Plants of Central Province, Democratic Republic of Congo. Volume 2. Salvation Army p 147 ; Le Houerou, H. N., (Ed.), 1980, Browse in Africa. The current state of knowledge. International Livestock Centre for Africa, Ethiopia. p 161 (As Saba florida) ; Lulekal, E., et al, 2011, Wild edible plants in Ethiopia: a review on their potential to combat food insecurity. Afrika Focus - Vol. 24, No 2. pp 71-121 ; Makonda, F. B. S., & Ruffo, C. K., 2011, Species List. NAFORMA, Tanzania (As Saba florida) ; Maundu, P. et al, 1999, Traditional Food Plants of Kenya. National Museum of Kenya. 288p ; MORTIMORE (As Saba florida) ; Mosango, M., Szafranski, F., 1985, Plantes sauvages à fruits comestibles dans les environs de Kisangani (Zaïre). In: Journal d'agriculture traditionnelle et de botanique appliquée, 32e année, pp. 177-190 ; Msuya, T. S., et al, 2010, Availability, Preference and Consumption of Indigenous Foods in the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania, Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 49:3, 208-227 ; Ojelel, S., et al, 2019, Wild edible plants used by communities in and around selected forest reserves of Teso-Karamoja region, Uganda. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2019) 15:3 ; Oryema, C., et al, 2013, Edible wild fruit species of Gulu District, Uganda. International Journal of Biology and Biological Sciences Vol 2(4) pp 068-082 ; Pakia, M., 2000, Plant Ecology and Ethnobotany of two sacred forests (Kayas) at the Kenya Coast. M. Sc. Thesis. ; Peters, C. R., O'Brien, E. M., and Drummond, R.B., 1992, Edible Wild plants of Sub-saharan Africa. Kew. p 59 (As Saba florida) ; Raponda-Walker, A & Sillans, R., 1961, Les Plantes Utiles du Gabon. Editions Paul Lechevalier, Paris. p 72 (Drawing) (As Landolphia florida) ; Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (1999). Survey of Economic Plants for Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (SEPASAL) database. Published on the Internet; [Accessed 28th March 2011] ; Ruffo, C. K., Birnie, A. & Tengnas, B., 2002, Edible Wild Plants of Tanzania. RELMA p 582 ; Segnon, A. C. and Achigan-Dako, E. G., 2014, Comparative analysis of diversity and utilization of edible plants in arid and semi-arid areas in Benin. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine. 10:80 ; Shumsky, S., et al, 2014, Institutional factors affecting wild edible plant (WEP) harvest and consumption in semi-arid Kenya. Land Use Policy 38(2014) 48-69 ; Suzuki, 1969, (As Saba florida) ; Tebkew, M. et al, 2014, Underutilized wild edible plants in the Chilga District, northwestern Ethiopia: focus on wild woody plants. Agriculture & Food Security 3:12 ; Tebkew, M., et al, 2018, Uses of wild edible plants in Quara district, northwest Ethiopia: implication for forest management. Agriculture and Food Security (2018) 7:12 ; Teklehaymanot, T., and Mirutse Giday, M., 2010, Ethnobotanical study of wild edible plants of Kara and Kwego semi-pastoralist people in Lower Omo River Valley, Debub Omo Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 2010, 6:23 ; Terashima, H., Ichikawa, M. & Ohta, L., (Ed.), 1991, A Flora: Catalog of Useful Plants of Tropical Africa. African study monographs. Supplementary issue (1991), 16:195 (As Landolphia florida) ; Terashima, H., & Ichikawa, M., 2003, A comparative ethnobotany of the Mbuti and Efe hunter-gatherers in the Ituri Forest, Democratic Republic of Congo. African Study Monographs, 24 (1, 2): 1-168, March 2003 (As Saba florida) ; Termote, C., et al, 2011, Eating from the wild: Turumbu, Mbole and Bali traditional knowledge of non-cultivated edible plants, District Tshopo, DRCongo, Gen Resourc Crop Evol. 58:585-618 ; Termote, C., 2012, Wild edible plant use in Tshopo District, Democratic Republic of Congo. Universiteit Gent. p 69 ; Vivien, J., & Faure, J.J., 1996, Fruitiers Sauvages d'Afrique. Especes du Cameroun. CTA p 66 ; von Katja Rembold, 2011, Conservation status of the vascular plants in East African rain forests. Dissertation Universitat Koblenz-Landau p 181 ; Walsh, M., 2009, The Use of Wild and Cultivated Plants as famine Foods on Pemba Island, Zanzibar. Études océan Indien. 42-43 ; White, F., Dowsett-Lemaire, F. and Chapman, J. D., 2001, Evergreen Forest Flora of Malawi. Kew. p 144 ;

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