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  • Dénominations



    • Nom botanique :

      Cordyline fruticosa (L.) A. Chev.

    • Synonymes


      Asparagus terminalis L, nom. illeg, Aletris chinensis Lamarck, Convallaria fruticosa L, Cordyline terminalis Kunth, nom. illeg, Cordyline terminalis var. ferrea (L.)Baker, Dracaena ferrea L. nom illeg, Dracaena terminalis Lam, nom. illeg, Terminalis fruticosa (L.) Kuntze, Taetsia ferrea (L.) Medikus, Taetsia fruticosa (L.) Merr, Taetsia terminalis (L.) W.Wight ex Safford

    • Noms anglais et locaux


      Good luck tree, Ti tree ;

  • Description et culture



    • dont infos de "FOOD PLANTS INTERNATIONAL" :

      • Description


        Un buisson dressé, drageonnant, formant des touffes. Il atteint une hauteur de 2 à 5 m. Il atteint 1 à 2,5 m de diamètre. Normalement, les tiges ne se ramifient pas. Les arbres plus âgés forment des branches plus haut. Les tiges sont ligneuses et couvertes de cicatrices foliaires. Souvent, les feuilles s'effilent à la base et ont un bout pointu. Le pétiole de la feuille est large et ferme la tige. Il est court et comporte un canal le long de celui-ci. Les feuilles sont en forme de sangle et se présentent en couronne au sommet et groupées en spirales près de l'extrémité de la tige. Les feuilles mesurent 75 cm de long sur 15 cm de large. Les feuilles sont vertes. Certains types ont des feuilles avec des rayures jaunes ou rouges. Ils mesurent 30 à 60 cm de long. Les fleurs mesurent 0,8 cm de long et sont violettes. Il produit des fleurs blanches à violettes en panicules lâches de 30 à 60 cm de long. Les fruits sont des baies rouge vif. Ils mesurent 8 à 12 mm de diamètre{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

        Original : An erect, suckering, clump forming, bush. It grows 2-5 m high. It reaches 1-2.5 m across. Normally the stems don't branch. Older trees form branches higher up. The stems are woody and covered with leaf scars. Often the leaves taper at the base, and have a bluntly pointed tip. The leaf petiole is broad and clasps the stem. It is short and has a channel along it. The leaves are strap shaped, and occur in a crown at the top and clustered in spirals near the end of the stem. The leaves are 75 cm long by 15 cm wide. The leaves are green. Some kinds have leaves with yellow or red stripes. They are 30-60 cm long. The flowers are 0.8 cm long and purple. It produces white to purple flowers in loose panicles, which are 30-60 cm long. The fruit are bright red berries. They are 8-12 mm across{{{0(+x).

      • Culture


        Il est cultivé à partir de boutures de la tige. Il peut également être cultivé à partir de graines, de drageons ou de division de la touffe{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

        Original : It is grown from cuttings of the stalk. It can also be grown from seed, suckers or division of the clump{{{0(+x).

  • Miam


    (rapports de comestibilité, parties utilisables et usages alimentaires correspondants) :


    Parties comestibles

    : feuilles, tubercules, fruits, cœur, racine{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

    Original : Leaves, Tubers, Fruit, Heart, Root{{{0(+x).


    : Les rhizomes féculents peuvent être utilisés pour la nourriture. Ils sont cuits. Ils sont doux. Comme nourriture, les racines, bien que comestibles, sont rarement utilisées. Les jeunes pousses de feuilles déroulées sont également consommées, cuites. Ils sont également utilisés pour aromatiser le riz. Les racines torréfiées peuvent être fermentées pour faire une boisson alcoolisée. Attention: l'alcool est une cause de cancer{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

    Original : The starchy rhizomes can be used for food. They are baked. They are sweet. As food, the roots, although edible are rarely used. The young, unrolled leaf shoots are also eaten, cooked. They are also used for flavouring rice. The roasted roots can be fermented to make an alcoholic drink. Caution: Alcohol is a cause of cancer{{{0(+x).

    Partie testée

    : /

    Taux d'humidité Énergie (kj) Énergie (kcal) Protéines (g)
    / / / /

    vitamines A (µg)
    Vitamines C (mg) Fer (mg) Zinc (mg)
    / / / /

  • Précautions

    Risques et précautions à prendre



    néant, inconnus ou indéterminés.

  • Autres infos



    dont infos de "FOOD PLANTS INTERNATIONAL" :

    • Distribution


      Une plante tropicale. Il a besoin d'une température supérieure à 13 ° C. Tropical et subtropical. Il pousse du niveau de la mer jusqu'à 2600 m d'altitude. Il pousse dans les forêts tropicales. Il convient aux endroits humides. Il aime les endroits humides. Il convient aux zones de rusticité 10-12. Dans XTBG Yunnan{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

      Original : A tropical plant. It needs a temperature above 13°C. Tropical and subtropical. It grows from sea level up to 2600 m altitude. It grows in rainforests. It suits humid locations. It likes moist places. It suits hardiness zones 10-12. In XTBG Yunnan{{{0(+x).

    • Localisation


      Afrique, Samoa américaines, Asie, Australie, Amérique centrale, Chine, Chuuk, Îles Cook, Costa Rica, République dominicaine, Afrique de l'Est, Timor oriental, Île de Pâques, Fidji, Polynésie française, FSM, Guam, Haïti, Hawaï, Himalaya, Inde , Indochine, Indonésie, Kiribati, Laos, Malaisie, Marquises, Îles Marshall, Micronésie, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nauru, Nouvelle-Zélande, Pacifique *, Palau, Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, PNG, Philippines, Samoa, Asie du Sud-Est, Îles Salomon, Sri Lanka , Tahiti, Thaïlande, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, USA, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Wallis et Futuna, Antilles, Yap{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

      Original : Africa, American Samoa, Asia, Australia, Central America, China, Chuuk, Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, East Africa, East Timor, Easter Island, Fiji, French Polynesia, FSM, Guam, Haiti, Hawaii, Himalayas, India, Indochina, Indonesia, Kiribati, Laos, Malaysia, Marquesas, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nauru, New Zealand, Pacific*, Palau, Papua New Guinea, PNG, Philippines, Samoa, SE Asia, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tahiti, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Tonga, Tuvalu, USA, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Wallis & Futuna, West Indies, Yap{{{0(+x).

    • Notes


      Il est utilisé comme médicament en Indonésie. Il existe entre 15 et 20 espèces de Cordyline. Également mis dans la famille Laxmanniaceae. et Agavaceae{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

      Original : It is used as a medicine in Indonesia. There are 15-20 Cordyline species. Also put in the family Laxmanniaceae. and Agavaceae{{{0(+x).

  • Liens, sources et/ou références


    • Sources et/ou références :

      dont livres et bases de données : 0"Food Plants International" (en anglais) ;

      dont biographie/références de "FOOD PLANTS INTERNATIONAL" :

      Altschul, S.V.R., 1973, Drugs and Foods from Little-known Plants. Notes in Harvard University Herbaria. Harvard Univ. Press. Massachusetts. no. 304 ; Ambasta, S.P. (Ed.), 2000, The Useful Plants of India. CSIR India. p 141 ; Anderson, E. F., 1993, Plants and people of the Golden Triangle. Dioscorides Press. p 207 ; Barrau, J., 1976, Subsistence Agriculture in Polynesia and Micronesia. Bernice P. Bishop Museu, Bulletin 223 Honolulu Hawaii. Kraus reprint. p 60 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Bodkin, F., 1991, Encyclopedia Botanica. Cornstalk publishing, p 281 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Borrell, O.W., 1989, An Annotated Checklist of the Flora of Kairiru Island, New Guinea. Marcellin College, Victoria Australia. p 13 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Borrell, O.W., 1989, An Annotated Checklist of the Flora of Kairiru Island, New Guinea. Marcellin College, Victoria Australia. p 13 ; Bremness, L., 1994, Herbs. Collins Eyewitness Handbooks. Harper Collins. p 99 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Brickell, C. (Ed.), 1999, The Royal Horticultural Society A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants. Convent Garden Books. p 295 ; Burkill, I.H., 1966, A Dictionary of the Economic Products of the Malay Peninsula. Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Vol 1 (A-H) p 671 ; Cherikoff V. & Isaacs, J., The Bush Food Handbook. How to gather, grow, process and cook Australian Wild Foods. Ti Tree Press, Australia p 198 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Clarke, W.C. & Thaman, R.R., 1993, Agroforestry in the Pacific Islands: Systems for sustainability. United Nations University Press. New York. p 234 ; Cooper, W. and Cooper, W., 2004, Fruits of the Australian Tropical Rainforest. Nokomis Editions, Victoria, Australia. p 152 ; Crowe, A., 1997, A Field Guide to the Native Edible Plants of New Zealand. Penguin. p 17 ; Cundall, P., (ed.), 2004, Gardening Australia: flora: the gardener's bible. ABC Books. p 412 ; Elliot, W.R., & Jones, D.L., 1984, Encyclopedia of Australian Plants suitable for cultivation. Vol 3. Lothian. p 89 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Engel, D.H., & Phummai, S., 2000, A Field Guide to Tropical Plants of Asia. Timber Press. p 178 ; Etherington, K., & Imwold, D., (Eds), 2001, Botanica's Trees & Shrubs. The illustrated A-Z of over 8500 trees and shrubs. Random House, Australia. p 226 ; Etkin, N.L. (Ed.), 1994, Eating on the Wild Side, Univ. of Arizona. p 106 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Facciola, S., 1998, Cornucopia 2: a Source Book of Edible Plants. Kampong Publications, p 92 ; Franklin, J., Keppel, G., & Whistler, W., 2008, The vegetation and flora of Lakeba, Nayau and Aiwa Islands, Central Lau Group, Fiji. Micronesica 40(1/2): 169–225, 2008 ; French, B.R., 1986, Food Plants of Papua New Guinea, A Compendium. Asia Pacific Science Foundation p 335 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Hedrick, U.P., 1919, (Ed.), Sturtevant's edible plants of the world. p 217 ; Hibbert, M., 2002, The Aussie Plant Finder 2002, Florilegium. p 73 ; Hinton, B & B., 1982, A Wilderness in Bloom. Wildflowers of tropical Australia. p 40 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Jard. bot. Saigon 66. 1919 ; Jones D, L, 1986, Ornamental Rainforest Plants in Australia, Reed Books, p 262 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Kiple, K.F. & Ornelas, K.C., (eds), 2000, The Cambridge World History of Food. CUP p 1741 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Lamoureux, C.H., 1976, Trailside Plants of Hawaii's National Parks. Hawaii Natural History Association. p 20 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Lazarides, M. & Hince, B., 1993, Handbook of Economic Plants of Australia, CSIRO. p 65 ; Liefting, A., et al, Samoan plant names. ; Lim, T. K., 2015, Edible Medicinal and Non Medicinal Plants. Volume 9, Modified Stems, Roots, Bulbs. Springer p 28 ; Llamas, K.A., 2003, Tropical Flowering Plants. Timber Press. p 245 ; Lord, E.E., & Willis, J.H., 1999, Shrubs and Trees for Australian gardens. Lothian. p 94 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Martin, F.W. & Ruberte, R.M., 1979, Edible Leaves of the Tropics. Antillian College Press, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. p 202 ; Massal, E. and Barrau, J., 1973, Food Plants of the South Sea Islands. SPC Technical Paper No 94. Noumea, New Caledonia. p 39 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Ochse, J.J. et al, 1931, Vegetables of the Dutch East Indies. Asher reprint. p 458 ; Parham, H. B. R, 1940, Supplement to the Journal of the Polynesian Society No. 16. Fiji Plants: Their Name and Uses. ; Peekel, P.G., 1984, (Translation E.E.Henty), Flora of the Bismarck Archipelago for Naturalists, Division of Botany, Lae, PNG. p 81, 82 ; Plants of Haiti Smithsonian Institute ; Powell, J.M., Ethnobotany. In Paijmans, K., 1976, New Guinea Vegetation. Australian National University Press. p 109 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Seidemann J., 2005, World Spice Plants. Economic Usage, Botany, Taxonomy. Springer. p 116 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Smith, A.C., 1979, Flora Vitiensis Nova, Lawaii, Kuai, Hawaii, Volume 1 p 149 ; Solomon, C., 2001, Encyclopedia of Asian Food. New Holland. p 389 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Staples, G.W. and Herbst, D.R., 2005, A tropical Garden Flora. Bishop Museum Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. p 581 ; Sukarya, D. G., (Ed.) 2013, 3,500 Plant Species of the Botanic Gardens of Indonesia. LIPI p 736, 738 (Also as Cordyline terminalis) ; Terra, G.J.A., 1973, Tropical Vegetables. Communication 54e Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, p 41 ; Thaman, R.R., 1976, The Tongan Agricultural System, University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji. p 392 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Thaman, R. and W. Clarke, Paper on Agroforestry on Aneityum and Tanna, Vanuatu from Internet ; Thaman, R. R., et al, 1994, The Flora of Nauru. Atoll Research Bulletin No. 392. Smithsonian Institute p 56 ; Thaman, R. R, 2016, The flora of Tuvalu. Atoll Research Bulletin No. 611. Smithsonian Institute p 34 ; Townsend, K., 1994, Across the Top. Gardening with Australian Plants in the tropics. Society for Growing Australian Plants, Townsville Branch Inc. p 140 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; USDA, ARS, National Genetic Resources Program. Germplasm Resources Information Network - (GRIN). [Online Database] National Germplasm Resources Laboratory, Beltsville, Maryland. Available: (10 April 2000) ; Vander Velde, N, 2003, The Vascular Plants of Majuro Atoll, Republic of the Marshall Islands. Atoll research Bulletin. No. 503. Smithsonian Institute. p 16 ; Walter, A. & Lebot, V., 2007, Gardens of Oceania. ACIAR Monograph No. 122 p. 67 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Wijayakusuma, H.M.H., et al, 1996, Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat Di Indonesia. Pustaka Kartini. p 19 ; Wijayakusuma, H.M.H., et al, 1996, Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat Di Indonesia. Pustaka Kartini. p 19 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Yuncker, T.G., 1959, Plants of Tonga, Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Hawaii, Bulletin 220. p 79 (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Zizka, G., 1991, Flowering Plants of Easter Island. Palmarum Hortus Francofurtensis (As Cordyline terminalis) ; Zuchowski W., 2007, Tropical Plants of Costa Rica. A Zona Tropical Publication, Comstock Publishing. p 116

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