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  • Dénominations



    • Nom botanique :

      Cayratia trifolia (L.) Domin

    • Synonymes


      Cayratia carnosa Gagnep, Cayratia timorensis (DC.) C. L. Li, Cissus trifolia (L.) K. Schum, Vitis carnosa (Lam.) Wall, Vitis trifolia Linn, et d'autres

    • Noms anglais et locaux


      Bush Grape, Threeleaf cayratia ;

  • Description et culture



    • dont infos de "FOOD PLANTS INTERNATIONAL" :

      • Description


        Une plante grimpante ou une vigne légèrement ligneuse. Il a un grand système de racine pivotante. Il grimpe par ventouses sur les vrilles. Les feuilles sont composées de 3 folioles. Les folioles sont ovales et fines et légèrement velues. Ils mesurent 3-8 cm de long sur 2-4 cm de large. Il y a des dents grossières le long du bord. Les fleurs sont petites et verdâtres. Ils se produisent en longues grappes. Les fruits sont des baies aplaties. Ils sont noirs et mesurent environ 0,4 cm de diamètre.{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

        Original : A slightly woody creeper or vine. It has a large taproot system. It climbs by suction pads on the tendrils. The leaves are compound with 3 leaflets. The leaflets are oval and thin and softly hairy. They are 3-8 cm long by 2-4 cm wide. There are coarse teeth along the edge. The flowers are small and greenish. They occur in long clusters. The fruit are flattened berries. They are black and about 0.4 cm across{{{0(+x).

      • Production


        En Chine, les plantes fleurissent et fructifient de juin à décembre{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

        Original : In China plants flower and fruit June to December{{{0(+x).

      • Culture


        Les plantes peuvent être cultivées à partir de graines fraîches ou de boutures. Il meurt dans le tubercule pendant la saison sèche{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

        Original : Plants can be grown from fresh seeds or cuttings. It dies back to the tuber in the dry season{{{0(+x).

  • Miam


    (rapports de comestibilité, parties utilisables et usages alimentaires correspondants) :


    Parties comestibles

    : tubercule, racine, fruit, sève{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

    Original : Tuber, Root, Fruit, Sap{{{0(+x).


    : La sève des tiges coupées peut être bu. Les racines sont comestibles après avoir été cuites dans des charbons ardents. Les fruits sont consommés crus{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

    Original : The sap from cut stalks can be drunk. The roots are edible after they have been cooked in hot coals. The fruit are eaten raw{{{0(+x).

    Partie testée

    : grain de raisin{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

    Original : Grape{{{0(+x)

    Taux d'humidité Énergie (kj) Énergie (kcal) Protéines (g)
    72.2 / / 1.1

    vitamines A (µg)
    Vitamines C (mg) Fer (mg) Zinc (mg)
    / / / /

  • Précautions

    Risques et précautions à prendre



    néant, inconnus ou indéterminés.

  • Autres infos



    dont infos de "FOOD PLANTS INTERNATIONAL" :

    • Distribution


      Une plante tropicale. Il convient aux endroits tropicaux et subtropicaux. Il est souvent cultivé près des maisons. Il pousse naturellement dans le nord de l'Australie en forêt ouverte. Il est endommagé par le gel. Au Yunnan{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

      Original : A tropical plant. It suits tropical and subtropical places. It is often grown near houses. It grows naturally in Northern Australia in open forest. It is damaged by frost. In Yunnan{{{0(+x).

    • Localisation


      Asie, Australie, Bangladesh, Cambodge, Chine, Timor oriental, Himalaya, Inde *, Indochine, Indonésie, Laos, Malaisie, Maldives, Micronésie, Myanmar, Népal, Pacifique, Palau, Philippines, Asie du Sud-Est, Thaïlande, Timor-Leste, Vietnam , Yap{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

      Original : Asia, Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, East Timor, Himalayas, India*, Indochina, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives, Micronesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pacific, Palau, Philippines, SE Asia, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam, Yap{{{0(+x).

    • Notes


      Il existe environ 45 espèces de Cayratia. Ils sont principalement dans les zones tropicales{{{0(+x) (traduction automatique).

      Original : There are about 45 Cayratia species. They are mainly in tropical areas{{{0(+x).

  • Liens, sources et/ou références


    • Sources et/ou références :

      dont livres et bases de données : 0"Food Plants International" (en anglais) ;

      dont biographie/références de "FOOD PLANTS INTERNATIONAL" :

      Anderson, E. F., 1993, Plants and people of the Golden Triangle. Dioscorides Press. p 206 ; Bailey, F. M., 1913, Comprehensive Catalogue of Queensland Plants. Queensland Government. p 48 (As Vitis trifolia) ; Biblioth. Bot. 89:370(924). 1927 ; Bindon, P., 1996, Useful Bush Plants. Western Australian Museum. p 79 ; Bodkin, F., 1991, Encyclopedia Botanica. Cornstalk publishing, p 229 ; Cherikoff V. & Isaacs, J., The Bush Food Handbook. How to gather, grow, process and cook Australian Wild Foods. Ti Tree Press, Australia p 154, 198 ; Coronel, R.E., 1982, Fruit Collections in the Philippines. IBPGR Newsletter p 9 ; Cowie, I, 2006, A Survey of Flora and vegetation of the proposed Jaco-Tutuala-Lore National Park. Timor-Lests (East Timor) www.territorystories.nt/ p 55 ; Crawford, I. M., 1982, Traditional Aboriginal Plant Resources in the Kalumburu Area: Aspects in Ethno-economics. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement No. 15 ; Cribb, A.B. & J.W., 1976, Wild Food in Australia, Fontana. p 74 ; Elliot, W.R., & Jones, D.L., 1982, Encyclopedia of Australian Plants suitable for cultivation. Vol 2. Lothian. p 490 ; Hedrick, U.P., 1919, (Ed.), Sturtevant's edible plants of the world. p 686 (? As Vitis trifolia) ; Hiddins, L., 1999, Explore Wild Australia with the Bush Tucker Man. Penguin Books/ABC Books. p 167 ; Jones, D.L. & Gray, B., 1977, Australian Climbing Plants. Reed. p 87 ; Jones D, L, 1986, Ornamental Rainforest Plants in Australia, Reed Books, p 284 ; Jadhav, R., et al, 2015, Forest Foods of Northern Western Ghats: Mode of Consumption, Nutrition and Availability. Asian Agri-History Vol. 19, No. 4: 293-317 ; Lazarides, M. & Hince, B., 1993, Handbook of Economic Plants of Australia, CSIRO. p 52 ; Lim, T. K., 2015, Edible Medicinal and Non Medicinal Plants. Volume 9, Modified Stems, Roots, Bulbs. Springer p 23 ; Low, T., 1991, Wild Food Plants of Australia. Australian Nature FieldGuide, Angus & Robertson. p 62 ; Morley, B.D., & Toelken, H.R., (Eds), 1983, Flowering Plants in Australia. Rigby. p 229 ; Paczkowska, G . & Chapman, A.R., 2000, The Western Australian Flora. A Descriptive Catalogue. Western Australian Herbarium. p 568 ; Pandy, R. K. & Saini, S. K., 2007, Edible plants of tropical forests among tribal communities of Madhya Pradesh. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 6(1), pp 185-190 (As Vitis carnosa) ; Phon, P., 2000, Plants used in Cambodia. © Pauline Dy Phon, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. p 145 ; RIRDC, 2010, New Root Vegetables for the Native Food Industry, Australian Government RIRDC Publication 9/161 ; Smith, M & Kalotas, A. C., 1985, Bardi Plants: An Annotated List of Plants and Their Use by the Bardi Aborigines of Dampierland, in North-western Australia. Rec. West Aust. Mus. 1985, 12(3): 317-359 (As trifoliata) ; Smith, N and Wightman, G.M., 1990, Ethnobotanical Notes from Belyuen Northern Territory Australia. Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No 10. Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory. p 10. ; Smith, N. M., 1991, Ethnobotanical Field Notes from the Northern Territory, Australia, J. Adelaide Bot. Gard. 14(1): 1-65 ; Smith, Nicholas et al. 1993, Ngarinyman Ethnobotany: Aboriginal Plant Use from the Victoria River Area Northern Australia. Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No 16. Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory. p 16, 15. ; Sujanapal, P., & Sankaran, K. V., 2016, Common Plants of Maldives. FAO & Kerala FRI, p 76 ; Townsend, K., 1994, Across the Top. Gardening with Australian Plants in the tropics. Society for Growing Australian Plants, Townsville Branch Inc. p 128 ; Vigilante, T., et al, 2013, Island country: Aboriginal connections, values and knowledge of the Western Kimberley islands in the context of an island biological survey. Records of the Western Australian Museum Supplement 81: 145-182 ; Wheeler, J.R.(ed.), 1992, Flora of the Kimberley Region. CALM, Western Australian Herbarium, p 636 ; Wightman, Glenn et al. 1992, Mangarrayi Ethnobotany: Aboriginal Plant Use from the Elsey Area Northern Australia. Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No 15. Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory. p 14, 15. ; Yunupinu Banjgul, Laklak Yunupinu-Marika, et al. 1995, Rirratjinu Ethnobotany: Aboriginal Plant Use from Yirrkala, Arnhem Land, Australia. Northern Territory Botanical Bulletin No 21. Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory. p 27.

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